Protect and Preserve
What Matters Most

Your Stories. Your History. Your Legacy.

Our premium archival consulting and digitization services are specifically tailored to protect and preserve the memories unique to you before it's too late.

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digital folder graphic


Digital Preservation
and Archiving

Are ease of access and preservation important for your invaluable collection? Have you considered what might happen to your collection in the next fire, flood, or other natural disaster? Would you like to share your collection with the world?

Allow our team of trained archivists to preserve your collection in a way that best suits your needs. Whether you require pristine page-by-page image restoration or an interface for searching or presenting your documents, Anderson Archival provides quality digital archiving. 

Preservation Services
We Provide

photos in an album

Archival Consulting

The expertise your collection deserves, from assessment to custom plans for storage, preservation, and digitization.
handling a fragile book

Digital Preservation
and Scanning Solutions

Scanning and image capture done right, with an eye on industry standards and your individual needs.
granddaughter and grandfather investigate

Digital Archival
Sharing Solutions

Extending access beyond your boxes, files, or personal computer. Share with friends, family, or the world!
using computer to find

Collections Management

From managing your digitization project to day-to-day collections management, our team is ready to help.

What Makes Us Different

There are many scanning vendors out there who specialize in high-volume records management—digitizing troves of items with efficiency but little care. What we do is different. We take the archival standard practices used by museums like the Smithsonian and developed processes to provide the same quality services to everyone with history that needs to be preserved. You are not just a box with an ID number to us. Let us show you how we earn the trust of our most discerning clients.

What We Do



Ability to digitize fragile or bound mementos like custom albums, journals, and yearbooks as well as oversized or framed photos and documents
Careful scanning processes done by hand to prevent rips and missed pages (compared to auto-feed approach)
Archival-standard color fidelity with FADGI 3 standards
Attention to detail in alignment, cropping, straight edges, and file naming
Different materials (paper types, photos, bound items) handled with archival best practice depending on the need
Consultative approach that considers the end goal and develops a project plan tailored to the collection
Post-digitization consultation services to create shareable digital libraries, heirloom history books, and beautifully produced legacy videos

Do you have a collection in need of digitization?
Are you looking for a trusted partner to archive and organize it?

Digitizing a collection can seem overwhelming on your own. And what do you do with all those documents once they’ve been scanned? Trust your preservation needs to Anderson Archival, where you get the right team of experts with the right technology to make your collection accessible now and for future generations. Reach out to us so we can talk about your needs.

Founders' Message

Anderson Archival’s team is dedicated to providing high-quality digitization and archival services to preserve your collection for future generations. We understand preserving history is only part of a functional digital archive, and we offer numerous services to transform your collection into a powerful preservation and research tool. Whether you need documents scanned and restored or a custom website to search the material, Anderson Archival has the right team of personable, professional experts to assist you.

A Few of Our Clients

Busch Family Brewing & Distilling logo
Guarantee Electric Company logo
Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow Foundation

The Herbert H. and Grace A. Dow Foundation

Cayuga Centers logo
Oakland Cemetery logo

What Our Clients Say About Us

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AI in Historic Preservation

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Old Photographs on a Table

Let's Get Started Preserving and
Protecting What Matters Most