Collections Management
Collections Management
Museums, libraries, and cultural institutions play a huge part in understanding our histories and the world around us through historical artifacts. Their archival collections can be massive and seemingly never ending. These kinds of organizations might have constant donations coming in, materials on loan from other organizations that must be kept track of, or deaccession schedules to make sure the most relevant materials are a part of the story.

Looking for Key Personnel?
Collections management is a full-time job. Overworked and overwhelmed collections caretakers often don’t have the resources to fully inventory and document the materials under their care. As great as digital collections can be, they aren’t as useful to researchers when they’re disorganized, cluttered, or incompatible formats or quality. Anderson Archival can develop a preservation and collections management plan with our trained and certified archival consultants, alongside the goals and capacity of your organization, so that the materials remain accessible and relevant to all.
Digital Collections
A digital collection can be as simple as PDFs stored on your local network, or as complex as a website database, showcasing beautiful original images and preserved historical text. The specifics are up to you!
Cloud Storage
Take your collections anywhere with cloud-based digital collections platforms! Your digital files—and all the data attached—can now follow you on the go, facilitating access and research from anywhere in the world.
Custom Intake Finding Aid
While our general finding aid gathers items into broader categories, Anderson Archival’s Custom Discovery and Intake can go much more granular and include far more information, such as dates, names, titles, individual item listings, and more. Whatever your collection needs, we can provide!