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Archival Consulting Services


Archival Consulting

Did you just inherit a large collection of family documents, but have no idea what they are, what to do with them, or where to start? Are your organization’s digital files in disarray?

action plan brainstorming
Accessing on the cloud

How Can Anderson Archival Help?

No need to worry! The experts at Anderson Archival provide archival consulting services for both your physical collection and digital holdings based on best practices as laid out by the Society of American Archivists (SAA) and the Digital Preservation Coalition (DPC), along with trusted cultural heritage institutions such as the Smithsonian and the National Archives. Trust our team comprised of Master's degree-educated staff with a love for library sciences.

Collection Assessment

Not sure where to begin your digitization project or even what you have? We can help you sort out the collection and the scope of the project you want to do. We look at content (physical or digital), condition, and the health of any digital materials. If something is too damaged for us to safely handle, we can recommend a skilled conservationist.

Custom Discovery and Intake

Feeling overwhelmed with boxes upon boxes of photos, videos, albums, letters, and mementos? Unsure where to start with digitizing your cherished memories? Don’t have the time to comb through everything? Let us take the burden off your shoulders with our Custom Discovery and Intake Service.

Old photographs

Collection Assessment

  • Scope and Content Evaluation: Thorough review of the collection (either physical or digital) and its contents to determine material types, subject themes, time periods, and items of significance.*
  • Condition Assessment: Evaluation of the collection’s condition and current storage practices to determine if conservation treatment is required or if either the collection or storage areas would benefit from specialized rehousing and storage solutions.
  • Digital Collection Assessment and Use: Inspection of the digital collection that includes an assessment of how files are/could be utilized within the collection and issues such as file corruption, outdated file formats, limited storage space, or disorganized files.

Please note that Anderson Archival does not offer financial appraisal services of any kind.

Custom Discovery and Intake

Not everyone has the time, expertise, or personnel available to sort through boxes of unorganized photos or documents to figure out what’s there and how much is important to save. Anderson Archival will handle the discovery process for you and provide an inventory of the collection according to your specific needs. We will also offer recommendations for any physical needs such as conservation for fragile or famaged materials or rehousing to ensure future preservation.

handwritten papers

Preservation Solutions

  • Collection Arrangement: Creation and implementation of a customized collection arrangement plan for the physical and/or digital collection. The plan may include basic finding aids and collection arrangement options such as maintaining original order, arrangement into series and subseries by subject themes and/or time periods, or a more customized solution based on the collection and client’s needs.
  • Rehousing: Development and application of a customized rehousing plan that meets the client’s budget and utilizes archival-quality housing materials. May also include a collection storage plan that addresses current storage area concerns discovered in the condition assessment.
  • Preservation and Digitization Planning: Preservation plan formulated with the client based on the Collection Assessment that determines how and what in the collection will be preserved physically and/or digitally, the collection arrangement and rehousing plans, scanning and image processing standards, metadata creation, and final deliverables.
  • Records Management: Records management solutions and support, including an evaluation of current records management systems, such as Digital Asset Management systems (DAMs). May also include DAM recommendations, setup, collection and metadata upload, and client training in the chosen DAM.

Client Support

  • Grant List: A list of potentially applicable grants available on the Anderson Archival website that clients may utilize to assist with project funding. Please note that Anderson Archival is not associated with any of the listed programs and is therefore unable to answer questions or give further information about them.
  • Access and Outreach: Options for enhancing access to client’s digital collection through online platforms and other outreach initiatives.
  • Policy Development: Client support throughout the development of archival policies and guidelines for the continued preservation of the physical and/or digital collection, including any new materials that may enter the collection.
Couple meeting with woman