By Amy O. Anderson, Founding Principal
A few weeks back, Mark and I were honored to be guests on the radio program and podcast “The Business of Family Business,” hosted by Carol Daniel, retired KMOX news anchor. If you happened to be listening to the St. Louis radio station KMOX on December 23, 2023, this is old news!
The program highlights family businesses from all around St. Louis, and we were honored to participate.
We spoke with Carol (as well as CMA Consult’s Dan Bean, and Kevin Short of Clayton Capital Partners) about our relationship, entrepreneurship, and the core values that impact everything we do in both our personal and business lives.
Anderson Archival clients and friends may find the portion of the interview starting around 23 minutes to be especially interesting, as we share a collection with historical impact.
As I share in the interview, “Anderson Archival is a blessing because we’ve been able to help clients share their valuable collections. Everyone learned during COVID when they were separated from their collections, that when a collection is digital, you can access and share it more broadly.”
Beyond what we do, this interview was instrumental in helping us share our journey as a family business transitioning to Generation Two, including our current Partner Farica Chang, as well as our daughter, Hadley Grow, her husband, Corbitt Grow and potentially our son Luke Anderson.
If you’d like to listen to the podcast, click the button below.
And if audio isn’t for you, check back for a full transcript of the podcast!