The British Museum: King of Thieves

British Museum Entrance

Museums are a crucial part of our society, preserving and displaying artifacts that help us understand and appreciate different cultures and histories. They bring history, art, and culture to life, and provide valuable resources for education and research. The British Museum is a great example of this, with a collection spanning over two million years […]

Why It’s Crucial to Get Digitization Right the First Time

taking off for success

These days, it’s all digital! Preserving personal and public history like the items included in so many family collections through digitization not only ensures that some form survives into the future, but makes that history accessible, researchable, and shareable. From cherished photographs to invaluable documents, these materials tell your family’s unique story and safeguard your […]

Impetus for Action: Anna’s Story

Anna's photo, one of many rescued by digitization

By Farica Chang, Managing Principal Our client, Anna, created a powerful video to share with others on the importance of digitizing your family memories before it’s too late. We’re always grateful to learn about the impact our work has in protecting legacy, and we’re blown away when our clients take the time to create messages […]

Building on the Busch Family Legacy

Interior mural at Busch Family Brewing & Distilling

Anyone familiar with St. Louis’s history knows the impact the Busch family has on this region. Grant’s Farm, Busch Stadium, and the Anheuser-Busch Clydesdales are some of the hallmarks of living under the Arch’s shadow, and St. Louis wouldn’t be the same without this historical family’s influence. However, when family legacies get distilled into the […]

What Is Metadata?

Card catalog

By Digital Archivist Mary Eggleston In our data-driven society, metadata has become a frequently used term, but do you know what it actually is? The process of weeding out the differences between data and metadata can be confusing. Bruce Schneier explains it best in his book Data and Goliath, “Data is content, and metadata is […]

Crashing Through the Surface

What is a surface

By Junior Digital Archivist Alyssa Voss At Anderson Archival, the term surface has a slightly different meaning than it does in most industries. The word surface is typically defined as “the outer layer of something.” While that remains true, in the archival community, it also refers specifically to the number of surfaces requiring a scan […]

Why Outsource? Digitizing In-House vs. Outsourcing

Struggling to digitize your collection in house?

By Team Lead Andrea Glazer It can be tempting to see the photocopier in the corner of your office and imagine digitizing your collection over time, if only to avoid the costs associated with finding a vendor to handle it. However, in-house digitization is rarely that simple. Digital preservation is no longer the future of […]

Digitization of Museums: Transforming Experience in the Digital Age

Boy On Trip To Museum Looking At Map And Writing In

By Team Lead Marcia Spicer Museums have always been regarded as the interpreters and caretakers of history, science, art, and culture. Immersing oneself in historical artifacts and knowledge can create impressions that last a lifetime. Witnessing displays of historical artifacts firsthand allows patrons to experience history in ways that static exhibits alone can’t convey. Digitization […]

Experience Stories Worth Celebrating

woman at photo gallery

By Operations Manager Marcia Spicer Regardless of the audience, every museum, historical society, or specialized library knows they have a story worth telling. That’s why they’ve taken countless hours, dollars, and coordinated effort to form. In collections, we often see decades of dedication and work spearheaded by a single individual or a small group who […]