Who Will Use This Collection and How? All About Use Cases

use cases venn diagram

Use cases. It’s simply a term for capturing the functional requirements of a digital library. Each use case is written from the user’s perspective, defining who they are and how they want and expect to use the digital collection. Understanding use cases is essential for determining how a collection will be best delivered, and what […]

Protecting and Preserving History in Uncertain Times

Protecting History with DLME

What is the duty of a library or museum? Take a moment to come up with some answers. Did you say… To preserve knowledge? To protect the history and cultures of past peoples? To share that knowledge and history with the public? To help people learn about the world around them? You probably didn’t answer […]

Creating a Digital Library

historical photograph preservation

Do your organization’s historical books or records need digitizing? Could you benefit from a searchable database of digitized documents? Scanning then, digitally cleaning and watermarking those scans begins the digital preservation process. Once complete, optical character recognition (OCR) and detailed quality assurance can be performed. These steps create electronic libraries that will protect your documents […]