Impetus for Action: Anna’s Story

Anna's photo, one of many rescued by digitization

By Farica Chang, Managing Principal Our client, Anna, created a powerful video to share with others on the importance of digitizing your family memories before it’s too late. We’re always grateful to learn about the impact our work has in protecting legacy, and we’re blown away when our clients take the time to create messages […]

Building on the Busch Family Legacy

Interior mural at Busch Family Brewing & Distilling

Anyone familiar with St. Louis’s history knows the impact the Busch family has on this region. Grant’s Farm, Busch Stadium, and the Anheuser-Busch Clydesdales are some of the hallmarks of living under the Arch’s shadow, and St. Louis wouldn’t be the same without this historical family’s influence. However, when family legacies get distilled into the […]

[Watch] A Legacy of Love – Getting Started

Letters of Love In this clip from our webinar, A Legacy of Love: Digitized Letters Bridge Generations, guest Rosemary Cassie explains the emotional core this collection of letters holds for her family, especially after her mother passed away in early 2020. Making sure the letters were available to the family and using them to maintain connection were two […]

ROT and Prioritizing Materials for Digitization

books covered in cobwebs

By Digital Archivist Alyssa Voss When planning to digitize a collection, it’s important to suppress the urge to jump right in and scan everything. Not all items are created equal; some may be more fragile or rare, while others may have greater historical or cultural significance. Prioritizing the materials in your collection can help you […]

Anderson Archival Joins Digital Stewardship Association

NDSA logo

By Farica Chang, Managing Principal Anderson Archival continues our focus on digital preservation by becoming a member of the prestigious National Digital Stewardship Association (NDSA) in March 2024. This move marks a pivotal moment for us as we now join other esteemed members of the association to actively engage in shaping the future of digital […]

The Dow Foundation Archives: Cultivating Historical Context

Willard Dow image

Archivists are often eager to illustrate the one-of-a-kind perspective their collection presents. Artifacts like postcards, candid photos, and personal correspondence offer a way to tell previously untold stories about our origins. However, historical archives not only provide a peek into the past, but they also offer new context around the histories we think we know. […]

[Watch] Preserving Family Legacy Through Digitization

Protecting Family Legacy Webinar In this portion of our latest webinar, Protecting Family Legacy Through Digitization: A Conversation, Director of Operations Hadley Grow talks with Anderson Archival client Kelly Donovan about how her collection came to be digitized.  If video isn’t for you, the transcript for this portion of the talk is below. To view the full webinar and […]

What Is Metadata?

Card catalog

By Digital Archivist Mary Eggleston In our data-driven society, metadata has become a frequently used term, but do you know what it actually is? The process of weeding out the differences between data and metadata can be confusing. Bruce Schneier explains it best in his book Data and Goliath, “Data is content, and metadata is […]

Finding Harmony in the Past

Betty at Golden Gate Bridge

By Junior Digital Archivist Alyssa Voss Imagine discovering boxes of your loved one’s manuscripts and documents you never knew about until after they passed. Going through a late loved one’s belongings can be a daunting and emotional task. It stirs up memories and feelings long forgotten. Finding items you never knew about, like boxes filled […]

Reduce, Reuse, ReFADGI: Updates to FADGI Standards for 2023

color graphs and checking tool

By Archives Technician Shana Scott Every industry has its own “language” or commonly understood terminology and shorthand to expedite communication. If you’ve ever overheard a business call in the airport or watched baristas signal to each other to help one another when service gets hectic, then you’ve probably seen this in action. The archival community […]