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Audiovisual Digitization Services

Items to Preserve

Audiovisual Originals

The stacks of old CDs, VHS tapes, photo negatives or slides, and other audiovisual media formats in our homes, company storage, libraries, museums, archives, and more hold precious and important memories, but equipment that plays and displays these formats is rapidly becoming, if it isn’t already, obsolete. Audio and visual formats are vulnerable to damage and degradation, even just sitting on a shelf, so time is of the essence in updating past media formats before the content is lost forever.

reel to reel film
film reel

How Can Anderson Archival Help?

Don’t lose these memories to obsolescence or damage to the audio-visual media from improper storage or wear and tear over the years. At Anderson Archival, we have the necessary resources you need to update your media to usable file formats that are accessible on your current devices or the web so that you can watch the videos, see the photos, and hear the audio that has been hiding for so long. After the media has been digitized, we can help upgrade the physical storage for your precious originals to archival-grade storage boxes to ensure that the original media is protected for years to come.

Audiovisual Media We Digitize

  • Film Reels, including Super 8
  • VHS, Betamax, Hi8, MiniDV, MicroMV
  • SD Memory Cards
  • CD, DVD, Blu-Ray, MiniDVD
  • Floppy Disc, Zip Drive
  • Photo Slides
  • Negative and Film Strips
  • Vinyl Record
  • Cassette Tape, Digital Audio Tape (DAT), 8 Track Tape


Don’t see what you need? Reach out and our expert staff will work to find a solution that meets your specific needs.

Digital repository