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Impetus for Action: Anna’s Story

Farica Chang headshot

By Farica Chang, Managing Principal

Our client, Anna, created a powerful video to share with others on the importance of digitizing your family memories before it’s too late. We’re always grateful to learn about the impact our work has in protecting legacy, and we’re blown away when our clients take the time to create messages like this for us!

As she describes in the video, Anna and her husband experienced a brutal winter that resulted in a burst pipe and water damage in their garage—dangerously close to their precious, one-of-a-kind, collection of family photo albums. That close call was the impetus Anna needed to take action and digitize the collection. 

Our team listened carefully to Anna’s needs and was able to create a completely customized solution that presented her with digitized albums as well as individual photos, cropped for easy sharing amongst the family. 


Are you one disaster away from losing family memories? Give us a call. We can’t wait to help.

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