Learn About Digital Preservation
Anderson Archival has the answers to your digitization questions!
The world of archival digitization is exciting, full of the latest technology and fresh solutions. Anderson Archival is committed to educating our clients and the public on the merits of making digitization the future of your collection.
Below, find our helpful guides to the world of digitizing historical documents and making the most of your digital collection.

What Do You Want to Know About?
Digital Preservation vs. Digitization
The terms “digital preservation” and “digitization” seem interchangeable, but digitization is only a piece of the foundation of your digital collection: digital preservation.
What Is a Capture?
Capture refers to the number of surfaces that require scanning to fully digitize a collection. Unlike terms such as page or document, capture most accurately describes the size of a collection in the context of digitization.
What Is Digital Document Restoration?
Digital document restoration is a process that allows your manuscripts and records to be viewed with their original quality without compromising the condition of the physical material.
Why Choose Confidential Document Digitization?
Don't want to share your collection with the world? Don’t dismiss digitizing your records yet. Just because your collection is private doesn’t mean it wouldn’t benefit from digitization.
What Are the Benefits of Sharing Your Digital Library Online?
Once the planning and scanning are done, you will have a full digital library. Whether you want a public or private collection, there are many benefits to sharing your collection online.
How Can Physical Preservation Prevent Document Degradation?
How you maintain your collection over time is important. Overhandling or poor display conditions can accelerate deterioration, but with the right knowledge, preservation is possible.
What Is Historical Document Digitization?
Have you ever seen an online collection that you can zoom in on to study the document in detail, or search it for keywords or whole phrases? That is the result of digitizing historical documents.
Scanning 411
Scanning is the process of creating a digital image of a physical original. The scanner and the scanning method are as variable as the type of document or book being digitally preserved.
What Is Optical Character Recognition?
Optical character recognition (OCR) allows for scanned documents and images to have an embedded layer of text, adding searchability, while maintaining the original image.
What Is a Digital Collection or Digital Library?
A digital library is any digitally preserved and accessible collection on the internet or through software. A digital library contains media, including documents, images, and audio/video.
What Is the Best Way to Preserve Historical Documents in Storage?
Whether you have a yellowing photo album or a crumbling parchment, collectors come to the same question: What is the best way to preserve historical documents in storage?
What Is Digital Photo Restoration?
A digitized photograph is an image of the physical item with all its fading and scratches. With digital restoration, we can turn back time on the digital image in an attempt to make it like it once was.
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